BrakeHard on The Daily Downforce

TV Ratings Wars: NASCAR UP, F1 DOWN

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That guy you’ve seen on TikTok talking about cars going right and sometimes left.

With the Formula One season beginning last weekend, NASCAR and F1 had their first ratings battle of the season. NASCAR seemed to take a decisive victory, and Brakehard breaks down the ratings and what it means for each respective sport.

  • NASCAR saw a ratings increase in Las Vegas last weekend. However, did they see an increase in the key demographic?
  • Formula One, on the other hand, saw a decrease in TV ratings. However, what factors played into the decrease?
  • Brakehard predicts the F1 ratings will continue to fall. Will the NASCAR ratings continue to increase as well?

Will NASCAR continue to beat F1 in TV ratings? Brakehard will keep up with this story and every other NASCAR news story as the 2024 season rolls on. Be sure to subscribe for the latest news and updates.

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