Official NASCAR Heat 5 2022 DLC Released

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Picture of Joshua Lipowski

Joshua Lipowski

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Army Air Force Exchange Veterans Block

What’s Happening?

On Tuesday, the official NASCAR Heat 5 Next-Gen DLC showed up on Steam and the PlayStation Store. The release date of the Steam version is listed as June 22nd, and the PlayStation store version is listed as June 20th. A trailer was released alongside it as well, and the DLC is $9.99.

  • Highlights of the update include the official addition of Next-Gen cars and the addition of Bristol Dirt to the track list. However, the update only adds the 2022 race cars.
  • This comes amidst the NASCAR Heat modding community already releasing their own mod update with the 2023 drivers and teams. It also comes amidst there being no new simulation-style NASCAR game on the horizon from Motorsport Games.
  • A few fans are excited, but others are pretty apathetic towards this update. Some were upset at the fact that only the 2022 cars were added with no 2023 update. Others were upset at the price point.

Also Read:

In the Stands

AWG does not like that the DLC is the 2022 paint schemes.

Zack Domer is not happy with this update.

Cody Willhite is happy.

Mark McCoy is not happy that the update is apparently not playable.

Skewcar is happy that there is something.

Now that is the question Brett.

On Your Screen

Count Darian out on this DLC

ElitePrecision29 is not a fan of how they are releasing this new DLC

Motorsport Games has fallen out of the good graces of the NASCAR gaming community for some time now. An update coming a full-year too late is not going to please most of the NASCAR community. Regardless, it is something new on NASCAR Heat 5.

Army Air Force Exchange Veterans Block

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Picture of Joshua Lipowski

Joshua Lipowski

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