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Next Gen Creators Podcast

Next Gen Creators: Brock Beard on telling the Stories Most Do Not Tell

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In this next installment of Next Gen Creators, Brock Beard joins host Joshua Lipowski. Brock Beard is the founder of, and he is also a published author, having written J.D. McDuffie’s biography as well as currently working on Derrike Cope’s biography. He also has a YouTube channel, and he has collaborated with nascarman on various YouTube videos.

  • What was it about the back-of-the-pack drivers that piqued the interest of Brock Beard in the first place?
  • How did Brock Beard go from law school to running a NASCAR website?
  • What is it like covering “last place finishers” rather than covering the battle for the win?
  • What was it that gave Brock Beard the bug to do YouTube again?

Brock Beard’s content creation story is about telling the stories that are untold. The stories of those finishers at the back of the pack not as a total joke, but giving some insight into what it is like to be on some of those teams. A unique path from Brock Beard was taken to get to this unique content, and what a story it creates.

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