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Watch: Scary Sprint Car Crash Leaves Driver Unconscious

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Matt Smith

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Carson Macedo would have a scary ride in his sprint car race at Knoxville, as he would be knocked out and left unconscious as the car would burst into flames.

What’s Happening?

In the World Of Outlaws sprint car series, scary crashes are just a part of the beast. You will see drivers injured in these rides quite often.

Alex Bowman was just sidelined for multiple weeks after he would fracture vertebrae in his back as a result of a sprint car accident.

Carson Macedo would have one of these scary crashes at Knoxville in the World of Outlaws event there, with some extra circumstances making it even more frightening.

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  • Exiting turn four at Knoxville, Carson Macedo would make heavy contact with the wall, causing his car to flip multiple times before resting right side up.
  • The car would burst into flames, but there was no movement from the driver, as Macedo would be knocked unconscious from the impact.
  • A flurry of safety personal, crew members, and even fellow competitors would rush to Carson’s aid, with one fellow competitor even catching fire himself. The fire would continue to rage on, ignoring the extinguishers effort. Eventually Macedo would emerge from the wreckage, allowing everyone watching to breathe a sigh of relief.

Main Character

Carson Macedo, a 26 year old from Lemoore California, is a winner in the World Of Outlaws series. He would have the scariest crash of his young career at Knoxville, seen below.

Miraculously, Carson would be ok, and offered this update on his Twitter account after being released from medical, saying he was thankful for the safety equipment and was ready to go racing again!

Around the garage

Jason Johnson Racing, Carson’s race team, offered this update on Carson’s condition.

From the officials

The World Of Outlaws account would give the update many were hoping to see after the crash.

In the Stands

Alyssa was extremely thankful that he was ok and commended the fellow drivers and safety crew for rushing to help.

Ed echoed Alyssa in praising the safety team!

Nate took notice to how caring his fellow competitors were when trying to help.

From the Pressbox

Always Race Day would post this crazy footage of fellow drivers rushing to aid Carson.

Final Thoughts

This crash could have been a lot worse than it was. The reaction from his competitors, crew, and the safety team was second to none in freeing an unconscious Macedo from his 41 machine.

Safety is the number one priority in any level of motorsports, and the emphasis the World Of Outlaws and its competitors puts on it was on display after this one.

It is more than comforting knowing that Carson is ok and will be competing again very soon, showing just how much these drivers love getting behind the wheel.

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Matt Smith

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