BrakeHard on The Daily Downforce

Eliminate Double File Restarts Late In Races? | Matt Tifft Attacked

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That guy you’ve seen on TikTok talking about cars going right and sometimes left.

After the foolishness we saw on Sunday, Brake Hard is here to discuss eliminating double-file restarts, and Matt Tift was attacked after the race, so Brake Hard is here to break down everything going on.

  • Unlimited overtime has been known to cause quite a few wrecks and an unnecessary expense for a lot of the teams. Would you like to see overtime limits make their return in NASCAR?
  • Another thing that would simplify overtime is to go back in time a little bit and have a single file restart. How would you feel if NASCAR moved to single file restarts?
  • This weekend, Matt Tift walked over to a driver that he had contact with on the racetrack and was quickly jumped by the driver’s team members and was kicked in the face while being held down. Do you think Matt Tifft should press charges?

How would you fix the NASCAR overtime problem? Let Brake Hard know all of your thoughts and questions in the common sections.

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