BrakeHard on The Daily Downforce

What Happens If It Rains At Talladega?

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That guy you’ve seen on TikTok talking about cars going right and sometimes left.

The NASCAR Cup series has been around for 76 years, over that time NASCAR has had hundreds of rain delays but unfortunately, due to expectations set by The Clash, many NASCAR fans have no idea what happens if it rains at a NASCAR track. Luckily for all of us, Brake Hard is here to break it down. 

  • This February when NASCAR had The Clash scheduled in LA a record-breaking storm, decided to roll in at the same time and make it a safety hazard for everyone in the area to be outside. This led to NASCAR doing something completely unprecedented, and they moved a race up an entire day. Should NASCAR fans expect the same treatment for every track? 
  • Another way to avoid the rain is to move the race up a few hours so that they have time in the TV window to get the track dry and get the race done, unfortunately, this doesn’t work if the race is at a track like Talladega that doesn’t have any lights. Why do you think Talladega doesn’t have any lights?
  • The final solution is something that NASCAR has been doing for years and that’s delaying the race till Monday. This solution does hurt the ratings as well as the attendance, considering a lot of people may have to work that Monday, these are the only solutions that we have until NASCAR starts running on indoor race tracks. Do you think that Monday races have the same excitement as Sunday races?

Even after all this drama, there’s still only a 50% chance of rain. Are NASCAR fans being paranoid or would you also feel this way if you were in attendance? Do you think NASCAR needs to improve how they handle rain delays? What are some ideas that you have that would help? Please let Break Hard know all of your thoughts and questions in his comment section.

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