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The Bizarre Wooden Race Track – Altoona Speedway

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NFJJ, through weekly YouTube videos, serves as your gateway to NASCAR’s enthralling history and captivating stories, igniting your passion for the world of NASCAR.
Circle B Diecast Push Down

Altoona Speedway was a 1.25 mile race track in PA. But, there’s something that stood out about it. It was made of wood. From the track surface, to everything below it. A wooden super speedway. In the early 1900s, these sorts of tracks popped up all over the country. These tracks came with many unique problems, and interesting solutions. Eventually, the highest level of open wheel racing in the United States would start racing at Altoona, and become known as the Indy 500 killer for a trio of tragedies.

  • Learn about the history and legacy of Altoona Speedway
  • Discover other tracks made in this early era of racing
  • Dive into the tragedies that these racing pioneers had to endure

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NFJJ, through weekly YouTube videos, serves as your gateway to NASCAR’s enthralling history and captivating stories, igniting your passion for the world of NASCAR.

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