NASCAR Sells Huge Chunk of Auto Club Land

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Picture of Bryan Moyers

Bryan Moyers

These articles are written perfect and staggered special. If you wanna read em, they CAN inform you. -Harry Hogge, probably.
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Aluma Trailers
Adam Stern reports a deed has been filed with San Bernadino County to record the sale of 433 acres of land that currently comprise Auto Club Speedway.

What’s Happening?

After acquiring the track in the purchase of ISC, NASCAR is selling more than 80% of the land in and around Auto Club Speedway.

In a deed executed February 9th, NASCAR sold the land to Speedway SBC Development LLC. The LLC is traced back to another NASCAR partner developer, Hillwood.

Sports Business Journal also reports that a document filed with California Environmental Quality Act shows that the area could be called “Speedway Commerce Center” and would be used for logistics and e-commerce distribution. Nashville Superspeedway did a similar transaction and development.

What You Need to Know:

  • NASCAR has sold 433 of the 522 acres that make Auto Club Speedway.
  • Documents associated with the sale indicate the land will be developed into warehouse and distribution.
  • This transaction seals Auto Club Speedway’s fate to be reconfigured into a short track.

In the Stands

On the heels of an exciting 2022 race in Fontana, fans have been hesitant about the reconfiguration. Some held out hope that it indicated more entertainment options around the track which could help the race succeed.

Fans asked several questions of what was left of Auto Club. While so many doubted a track could exist at all on a small parcel, others asked about what long term neighbors could do to the track.

A couple of Ford fans on Reddit saw a trend of California tracks.

On Your Screen

Out Of The Groove’s Eric Estepp talks about the future of Fontana.

From the Pressbox

Media members held out hope; even if it was only a sliver of what once was.

Jeff’s tweet puts into perspective just how small the lot that NASCAR retained is. For perspective, after the sell off for a logistics park, Nashville Superspeedway retained 520 acres.

While the remaining 89 acres may seem small. Lee Spencer points out a similarity with an existing – and popular – California short track.

UPDATE 4:40 PM EST 2/28:

CBRE announced Tuesday that it has invested in 364 of the 433 acres sold around Auto Club Speedway with the intent to build “larger-scale logistics buildings.”

Aluma Trailers

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Picture of Bryan Moyers

Bryan Moyers

These articles are written perfect and staggered special. If you wanna read em, they CAN inform you. -Harry Hogge, probably.
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