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NASCAR Fans Give Their Thoughts on the 2024 Schedule

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The 2024 NASCAR schedule is still up-in-the-air following the Chicago Street Race. Our fans are still giving their own thoughts on where they want NASCAR to go in 2024, and here are their best responses.

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Wait, you’re making me choose??? Decisions, decisions.

Is it realistic? Maybe not, but is it an awesome idea? Yes.

Robby Gaines wants the Firecracker 400 to come back.

DennyDeliversYT has multiple ideas.

Road America back at the expense of Richmond is a new concept.

ACS Racing Network wants Michigan back on Father’s Day.

Jo Beth Graves does not want the Chicago Street Race back.

Sam wants very few changes to the schedule.

@itsblaneybaby wants Iowa back.

@Lucky_Trucker wants another street race.

Atlanta has run races during that time of year before. Remember when Atlanta was on Labor Day? I went in 2012.

Randy Smilowitz wants a few changes, most notably the return of the Daytona road course.

Money Talks has some opinions on start times and which tracks have multiple dates in a year.

Jimmy wants a rotated championship race.

The Ominous Kitsune wants Sonoma earlier in the calendar.

Many fans have many different perspectives on how the 2024 NASCAR schedule should look. Will any of these suggestions come to fruition?

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Picture of Joshua Lipowski

Joshua Lipowski

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