Day: August 4, 2023



What Do the FANS Say is the Worst Race in NASCAR History?

Recently, Matt Smith put together what he felt were the five worst races in NASCAR history. Daily Downforce readers responded by giving their own thoughts on the worst races in NASCAR history. There were plenty of interesting candidates that they brought up.

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How JR Motorsports is Turning Their 2023 Season Around

This season has been a roller coaster for JR Motorsports. From wrecking each other multiple times early in the season to now having two victories and three of their four cars in the Playoffs. What has happened during JRM’s up-and-down season?

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The Best Jimmie Johnson & Chad Knaus Moments

Jimmie Johnson is about to be NASCAR Hall of Famer, and he is going in alongside his longtime crew chief Chad Knaus. The two have been together for some incredible moments in NASCAR history. Unfortunately, we only have room for a few, so here are the best five moments from the two’s time together.

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Hailie Deegan Gives Details on How Much It Costs for a NASCAR Ride

NASCAR fans know that it takes a lot of sponsorship money to race in NASCAR. Especially nowadays, drivers are under pressure to bring in a significant amount of sponsorship revenue to even sniff racing at the sports highest levels. However, Hallie Deegan went on the “Rubbin’ is Racing” podcast with Spider and Large by Barstool Sports, and Deegan actually gave some hard numbers as to how much it costs to run in Xfinity and Trucks.

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