What Is Wrong With Ford

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Bologna Burger

Bologna Burger is a YouTube channel that delivers news and information about NASCAR and occasional other topics. Started as a way to have a community to talk about nascar in a friendly setting it has grown into just that so feel free to join in the group.

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The results of this new Ford Dark Horse have been nothing but tragic. More than a quarter of the way through the season and they have yet to win, but not only in the Cup Series in every single major racing series in the world the Ford Dark Horse has yet to win. The reasons that this could be happening are endless. It could be the design of the car, the money that F1 is getting from Ford, or maybe even the teams themselves not being as good as they once were. Luckily for all of us, Bologna Burger is here to give us his opinions on what’s wrong with the Dark Horse.

  • A few years ago, Chevrolet came out with a new Camaro and when it made its debut in NASCAR it did horrible. In the very next season, Chevrolet had to completely redesign the front end to make the car work.  Do you think Ford will do the same?
  • Maybe the problems come from across the pond in Formula One. When Red Bull left Honda, they announced that they were developing a new engine for the 2026 season while working with Ford. Do you think the reason that Ford is doing so badly is because they focused too much on Formula One? 
  • Another reason that Ford may be struggling is that their top team isn’t performing as well. Penske was arguably outrun last year by RFK, but all four teams got a reset this year with the new dark horse body. So I can imagine that they were relying on the Ford team with the most money and research to share information with the other teams to make everyone faster. Now that Penske isn’t performing so well does that make it harder for the other Ford teams to excel?

Do you think this Ford problem would still exist if teams were allowed to work on their cars like in previous generations? Could it be the raised fins that are the issue since no other NASCAR team has them? Let Bologna Burger know all of your thoughts and questions in the comment section.

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Bologna Burger is a YouTube channel that delivers news and information about NASCAR and occasional other topics. Started as a way to have a community to talk about nascar in a friendly setting it has grown into just that so feel free to join in the group.

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