BrakeHard on The Daily Downforce

Watkins Glen Track Changes For NASCAR | NASCAR Cup Series Silly Season Update

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That guy you’ve seen on TikTok talking about cars going right and sometimes left.

Watkins Glen has made some big changes to one of its most iconic turns. Also, it’s time for another Silly Season update. Brake Hard is here to break down everything. 

  • NASCAR fans are used to drivers bouncing and sliding through the bus stop turn. Even though it’s one of the coolest-looking things in the entire sport, it’s extremely unhealthy for the drivers, so Watkins Glen decided to remove the curbs from that turn to make it easier on the drivers. Do you think this was a good idea?
  • NASCAR doesn’t have track limits, so drivers will race on any form of pavement if it makes them faster. We see this a lot in turn one of Watkins Glen, but this year,, the track decided to add rumble strips to the runoff area to deter drivers from going off the track. Do you think this will be effective in keeping drivers on the racing line?
  • The NASCAR Cup Series may not be done with Ty Dillon because he’s the most likely candidate to replace Daniel Hemric for Kaulig. How would you feel seeing Ty Dylan get another full-time ride?

How do you feel about the changes to Watkins Glen? Do you think these changes will improve racing? Let Brake Hard know all of your thoughts and questions in the comment section.

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