BrakeHard on The Daily Downforce

Should Texas Motor Speedway Reconfigure Or Leave It Alone?

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That guy you’ve seen on TikTok talking about cars going right and sometimes left.

A few years ago the NASCAR universe unanimously wanted Texas reconfigured, but after a pretty good race this weekend, opinions are slowly starting to change. 

  • After high expectations of cars going five wide into the corners and that not being a case once the track was reconfigured, did Texas do more damage to the track trying to make it better? 
  • Short track, superspeedway, old Texas? There are thousands of different ways that they can reconfigure this track but what is the best idea for the drivers and fans?
  • With the way that tracks like Atlanta are wearing out, are NASCAR fans just being impatient with Texas? Do you think the solution is to just wait until it wears out more? 

As always with Texas, there seem to be more questions than answers. Let Brakehard know what you think in his comment section. 

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