Rumored Days of Thunder Sequel Blows Up on Social Media

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Joshua Lipowski

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Social Media Blows up at the new Days of Thunder Sequel showing excitement, skepticism, and plot theories.

What’s Happening?

In a surprising twist, Michileen Martin of GiantFreakinRobot reported that Tom Cruise and director Joseph Kosinski are developing a brand new sequel to Days of Thunder. Nothing has been officially announced as of yet, so this remains a rumor for now. However, social media blew up at the potential new Days of Thunder movie.

You Need to Know:

  • Martin reports that it is uncertain if anyone from the first movie could reprise their roles in the rumored new movie. Cruise and Kosinski recently worked together on Top Gun: Maverick, a movie that was incredibly popular amongst both fans and critics.
  • Days of Thunder is one of the most iconic NASCAR films of all-time. Line’s such as “Rubbin’s Racin” have become popular NASCAR lingo as a result of the film. The movie famously filmed during the 1990 Daytona 500 with two non-scored cars running around the track during the early laps.
  • Fans on social media rushed to this report. Many were excited to see a brand new Days of Thunder movie being rumored.

Around the Garage

Brad Keselowski wants this to happen.

Frankie Muniz likes the idea.

In the Stands

nascarcasm has an idea for the plot of the film.

AztkSmooth is a fan of the rumored movie.

Jordan is making sure no one mistakes that he will be there.

Camel Motorsports is bringing AI into this.

LSTNSCRFN wants Cole Trickle the team owner in the next movie.

Steve Dowd is excited.

Daniel Epler with a simple comment on a GIF from another iconic film.

So a Days of Thunder sequel to Top Gun?

Historic Racetrack Aerials is not sure how he feels about this movie.

Wait a minute, a Tom Cruise Multiverse?

Christian Gomez says that NASCAR needs this.

On Your Screen

David Land has his own idea for the plot of the new movie.

The Scene Vault Podcast loves the idea.

Brock Beard is looking at both the potential positives and negatives regarding the movie.

From the Pressbox

Matt Weaver with a deep dive into why this movie could succeed

Days of Thunder is incredibly popular, and a new movie would pique the interest of the NASCAR fanbase. Imagine what this new movie could be about.

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Picture of Joshua Lipowski

Joshua Lipowski

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