Out of the Groove on The Daily Downforce

OOTG: Eric’s Chicago Street Race Experience

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Eric Estepp

The #1 NASCAR content creator on YouTube, Eric Estepp hosts Out of the Groove, a daily talk show covering news and trending topics in the NASCAR fan community.

Eric Estepp was in the stands at the Chicago Street Race this weekend. Despite the great response to the great race this weekend, Eric takes some time to discuss the good and bad of the street race. What went well or not on Sunday, and what does that mean for the race’s future.

  • Eric was complimentary of a lot of the at-track experience, particularly when it came to the location right in the middle of the city.
  • Eric was not a fan of how the City of Chicago went about their weather policy.
  • Even if Chicago does not happen again, Eric feels that NASCAR proved they can race on street courses, but there is a limit to how many he wants.

Eric described the event in his title as a “Disaster turned Triumph” given how the weather mucked up the event. However, he feels this race shows great potential for NASCAR racing on city streets.

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Out of the Groove is the No. 1 NASCAR News and Talk Show on YouTube. With fresh episodes produced daily, Eric’s audience — the Groovy Gang — tunes in daily not only to stay up to speed with the sport, but also to be a part of the spirited and fun online conversation.

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