The Iceberg on The Daily Downforce

Iceberg: The End Of Motorsport Games?

The Iceberg

Jaret’s takes on the motorsports world don’t get much hotter, check out his daily uploads!

The NASCAR gaming scene has been on life support for years now and the main culprit for it has been none other than Motorsport Games. Motorsport Games has dragged the NASCAR name through the mud with possibly the worst video game and video game launches ever and it only has gotten worse since then. But yesterday respected gaming journalist Mike Straw basically announced that NASCAR and Motorsport Games are done as partners exclusively, and that the incompetence has been too much now for NASCAR. So, is this the end of Motorsport Games?

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The Iceberg on The Daily Downforce

Jaret’s takes on the motorsports world don’t get much hotter, check out his daily uploads!

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