From NASCAR Driver to $15 Million Scammer

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NFJJ, through weekly YouTube videos, serves as your gateway to NASCAR’s enthralling history and captivating stories, igniting your passion for the world of NASCAR.

Brian Rose was a race car driver that followed in his father’s footsteps, just not in the way you think. David Rose, Biran’s father, was convicted of fraud and tax evasion in 2009, settling for just over $15 million. But his son, a former NASCAR driver, had to one up him by spearheading a $15 million Ponzi scheme. This scheme would fund his racing career on his second attempt at NASCAR, after he was first suspended by NASCAR in 2003 after failing to submit to a NASCAR drug test.

The Daily Downforce is Hiring

  • – Dive into Brian Rose’s journey in his early NASCAR career
  • – Discover Brian’s early criminal history in 2003, which resulted in an indefinite suspension from NASCAR
  • – Learn about the complex frauds the Rose family were involved in throughout the 2000s
  • – Explore Rose’s second attempt at a NASCAR career that was funded by his Ponzi scheme

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The Daily Downforce is Hiring

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NFJJ, through weekly YouTube videos, serves as your gateway to NASCAR’s enthralling history and captivating stories, igniting your passion for the world of NASCAR.

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