BrakeHard on The Daily Downforce

Brazil Wants The NASCAR Clash

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That guy you’ve seen on TikTok talking about cars going right and sometimes left.

NASCAR’s hit Netflix show will be back for a second season, and the NASCAR clash may have a new home, which is very far from the home of NASCAR. Brake Hard is here to break down everything happening.

  • NASCAR may need to sell out a track to be able to make this trip profitable because Brazil is a far trip from the home of NASCAR in Charlotte, North Carolina. Do you think this international expansion is worth the potential loss?
  • Brazil is home to many iconic, world-famous tracks, but lately, the clash has found its home in a bullring-stadium-style track that will continue next year at Bowman Gray. Should Brazil host its race at a stadium or road course?
  • NASCAR Full Speed will return for a second season. Given the attention and praise motorsports fans gave the first season, do you think season two will perform better than season one?

What track would you like the clash to be at? Do you think the NASCAR charter agreements will be signed before the end of the season? Let Brake Hard know all of your thoughts and questions in the comment section.

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