BrakeHard on The Daily Downforce

Ray Evernham Talks About the Demise of the SRX Series with Dale Jr.

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That guy you’ve seen on TikTok talking about cars going right and sometimes left.

The SRX Series is no more, and one of the founders of the series has his thoughts on what went wrong. Brakehard analyzes Ray Evernham’s thoughts on the demise of the Superstar Racing Experience.

The Daily Downforce is Hiring
  • Ray Evernham talked about the original plan for the SRX, but, things changed. Brakehard looks at what changed in the SRX.
  • Brake Hard also looks at what made the SRX struggle in later years. Particularly, he looks at what happened to the driver lineup.
  • What could SRX have done better? Brake Hard looks at what the SRX could have done.

What went wrong with the SRX? Let Brakehard know in the comments, and subscribe for the latest NASCAR and motorsports news.

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The Daily Downforce is Hiring

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